
Gramps Loved One John

May 21, 2005
On Sundays, when daytime soaps weren't available, gramps would watch marathon runs of westerns. She loved John Wayne. Gunsmoke was her favorite. She also enjoyed Bonanza and Petticoat Junction. I would crawl into bed with her and curl under the covers, pretending to have some interest in "her shows." That's what she called them. "Her shows." That's what she called her favorite daytime soaps, too. I must have been about 8 years-old or so. I just wanted to be close to her and feel safe, if only for a short time.

I left home in 1991. I was 18 years old. I returned once when I was 19 and once when I was 24. I have placed considerable physical and emotional distance between that place I call home and this new place I call home -- my grandmother is the lifeline between the two.
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